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INN Days 2022

INN Days 2022 took place virtually June 13-15. Under this year’s theme, Igniting Our Collective Power, INN hosted workshops, talks and networking opportunities that sparked collective action. Enjoy the videotaped sessions linked below. Want to make sure you get the latest updates on next year’s conference? Subscribe to our weekly INNovation newsletter.

View the conference program.


Main Stage Sessions

Talking transition with the Texas Tribune
Hear from the Texas Tribune’s outgoing founder and new editor-in-chief on the importance of leadership in driving a vision for the future

INN Index: The sustained success of nonprofit news
Four years of INN’s Index data shows how nonprofit news is growing and reveals qualities of what the future of journalism will look like.

Unusual Suspects: Bringing new funders to journalism
Hear from funders about their journey to recently supporting journalism and what they’ve learned so far.

When local news partners with national outlets
Learn how local and national newsrooms are increasing their impact and reach by working together and the challenges that come with partnership. Sponsored by Knight Foundation

What can news learn from public spaces? A lot.
Find out what lessons the nonprofit news movement learn from the work done to promote equity in public space design. Hint: inclusion is key.

The bark of the watchdog: A fight against public corruption
Get an early scoop on research suggesting how nonprofit news organizations may be an essential safeguard for government accountability.

Who’s your source? The story of the INN Network
Learn why the 400+ newsrooms of the INN Network are your source for credible, fact-based news — and how you can join our movement.

Breakout Sessions

Building a diverse team that reflects your community
Hear from HR experts in the field on how to address common hiring and management questions with a DEI lens.

Collaboration classifieds: Find partners for future projects
Whether you’re looking for collaboration partners or interested in supporting projects, hear these quick pitches to make the perfect match.

How to grow your audience
Gathering data is easy. Using it is hard. In this session, the Google News Initiative’s Tina Xiao and Nicole Rocchio share recommendations based on Google’s work with thousands of news organizations worldwide. Sponsored by Google News Initiative

Community-centric models for delivering the news
Hear from newsrooms that have created new distribution channels to reach communities with quality news and information. Sponsored by Walton Family Foundation

Powering up NewsMatch through community matches
Newsrooms distill best practices for obtaining community or “local matches” to bolster year-end individual giving.

SmartView First: Find new audience and grow revenue
SmartNews and a few of its INN partners share how nonprofit organizations of all sizes and coverage areas can grow their audience and revenue through the SmartView First program. Sponsored by SmartNews

Creating an operationally sound organization
Learn how a solid operations foundation can help with everything from risk and money management to retention and succession planning.

How big tech needs to help consumers get credible news
What do journalists need to know now about how big tech can or should lift the discoverability of trustworthy news over disinformation, and how we handle the risks? Get a global view of the issues from Lizzie Landels of Microsoft’s Information Integrity and Democracy Forward team. Sponsored by Microsoft Start

Solutions for equitable funding access
Explore what newsrooms are trying, barriers to funding, and what philanthropy can do to meet their needs to ensure equitable access to quality news.

The Chicago experiment
Chicago is home to leading examples of service journalism and, recently, an unprecedented merger. What might all this mean for residents?

Why we decided to start a local news organization
Starting a newsroom that serves a neighborhood/small town comes with its challenges. Learn why these news leaders are taking on the charge.


Our Sponsors

We want to thank our INN Days 2022 supporters, including title sponsors The Inasmuch Foundation and The Knight Foundation, in addition to Google News Initiative, Microsoft, Walton Family Foundation, The Lenfest Institute, SmartNews, News Revenue Hub and Newspack whose contributions have made this year’s convening possible. We are grateful for your support.

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