May 2024
Scroll through your social media feeds, and you might see a cat meme, the uninformed rantings of an old high school classmate, a data-driven investigative news story, and then, photos of your neighbor’s vacation. It’s all very different content, but when it lives on the same feed, it’s equated and conflated.
Reporting from members of the INN Network must stand out from the noise, especially in this election year.
If we think of our democracy as consisting of three pillars — a government that develops policies, voters who elect their leaders and a free press that informs the public with facts — then news is a currency, one that has been devalued.
Since 2005, the U.S. journalism industry has lost more than 43,000 newspaper reporters. Over the last 15 years, INN members have stepped up to fill gaps in news coverage, with membership growing from 27 news outlets to 450. Our records show that 90% of INN members are still in business after five years.
To keep serving the public over the long term, INN and its members must increase the visibility of these newsrooms as sources of fact-based, deeply reported, data-driven journalism. Not everyone qualifies for INN membership, after all. We reject about half of applications because they fail to meet our standards, which prioritize financial transparency, editorial excellence and independence.
As we look ahead, INN is working to solve problems in the field. We’re coaching member staff on how to increase audiences. We’re building out collaborations for greater community impact and we’re laser-focused on cracking the code to bring long-term financial sustainability.
INN is not just fighting for our members to report stories. We are fighting for greater awareness that nonprofit newsrooms exist as a solution for healthy communities and a healthy democracy.