Consider leaving a bequest, or other deferred gifts, to INN in your will. Your legacy will ensure that your impact continues on as INN and the field of nonprofit news continues to grow.
Gifts by will are important to INN. Unrestricted gifts give us the greatest flexibility to use funds where they are most needed.
You may leave INN:
Legal name: Institute for Nonprofit News
Address: 8549 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 2294, Beverly Hills, CA 90211
Federal tax ID#: 27-2614911
This sample language may be useful:
“I give and bequeath to Institute for Nonprofit News, 8549 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 2294, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 [the sum of __________ Dollars ($____)] [ _______ % of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate], to be used for its general charitable purposes.”
We hope you’ll let us know when you have named INN in your will or trust so that we can thank you. Contact
Naming the Institute for Nonprofit News as a beneficiary on your retirement account or life insurance policy is a simple and powerful way to support the lifesaving work of our organization without changing your will or living trust. Beneficiary designation gifts pass directly to INN without going through the probate process and go right to work to help us strengthen nonprofit, nonpartisan journalism.
Retirement accounts
Many of our donors name INN as a beneficiary of all or a specified percentage of their IRA, 401(k), 403(b), or other retirement plan.
Individuals who inherit retirement plan assets are usually required to pay income tax on them, so they’re often considered among the best assets to leave to charity.
Ask your retirement plan administrator or financial institution for a change of beneficiary form. Please list us as:
Federal Tax ID #: 27-2614911