Join us for the next From the Field discussion on reaching communities of color. Leaders from several innovative INN member newsrooms will share how they have connected with their local audiences by using new platforms, building community engagement and strengthening partnerships. INN board member Ron Smith (Milwaukee Neighborhood News Service) will lead a conversation with Irene Romulo (Cicero Independiente), Keri Mitchell (Dallas Free Press), Vandana Kumar (India Currents) and Giles Morris (Charlottesville Tomorrow). You’ll have the chance to ask questions and learn about ways to expand your audience reach.
About the panelists:
About Ron: Ron Smith, INN board secretary and member representative, is an instructor of practice in the Department of Journalism and Media Studies at Marquette University’s Diederich College of Communication and the editor/program director for the Milwaukee Neighborhood News Service.
About Irene: Irene Romulo is co-founder of Cicero Independiente, a bilingual news site that launched in 2019 to ser Cicero, a west Chicago suburb. Born in Chicago, Irene has a background in organizing around housing and immigrant rights issues and was named a 2020 Voqal fellow, a talent and technology accelerator for social entrepreneurs.
About Keri: Keri Mitchell is executive director of the Dallas Free Press. She launched the newsroom in 2020 after spending 15 years dedicated to community and civic journalism at Dallas’ Advocate magazines.
About Vandana: Vandana Kumar is a publishing executive with a 32-year track record in the industry. She leads the India Currents Foundation as President and CEO. As a new immigrant, she co-founded India Currents magazine in 1987. Fully digital today, India Currents has the largest following among Indians in the United States.
About Angilee: Angilee is the Editor-in-Chief of Charlottesville Tomorrow and part of Charlottesville Inclusive Media. The collaboration with Vinegar Hill Magazine and In My Humble Opinion aims to bring greater diversity to the narratives and news of the community. She also works with local news organizations around the country on their missions and editorial strategy. Before coming to Charlottesville, she spent many years developing immigration coverage for public radio program The World and reported from Asia.