Fundraising & Philanthropy Office Hours (Members Only)
Use this 30-minute block to chat with Network Philanthropy Director Stephanie Schenkel about fundraising and philanthropy strategies. Book a time.
Use this 30-minute block to chat with Network Philanthropy Director Stephanie Schenkel about fundraising and philanthropy strategies. Book a time.
Make the most of important national days such as Giving Tuesday and Election Day to maximize your org's dollars and engagement. NewsMatch is a major fundraising event for you—but are […]
Bring your questions about digital publishing and technology. Sign up for a 20 minute spot.
Use this 30-minute block to chat with Network Philanthropy Director Stephanie Schenkel about fundraising and philanthropy strategies. Book a time.
Use this 30-minute block to chat with Network Philanthropy Director Stephanie Schenkel about fundraising and philanthropy strategies. Book a time.
Join your fellow INN members for a day of learning, connecting and celebration of the nonprofit news movement. INN Network nonprofit news leaders will gather in person for the first […]
Get insight into understanding your audience and build towards your audience goals. Sign up for a 20-minute spot with INN’s audience staff.
Use this 30-minute block to chat with Network Philanthropy Director Stephanie Schenkel about fundraising and philanthropy strategies. Book a time.
Bring your questions about digital publishing and technology. Sign up for a 20 minute spot.
Use this 30-minute block to chat with Network Philanthropy Director Stephanie Schenkel about fundraising and philanthropy strategies. Book a time.
Use this 30-minute block to chat with Network Philanthropy Director Stephanie Schenkel about fundraising and philanthropy strategies. Book a time.
What is collaborative data journalism and what is its purpose? What opportunities and limitations does it present? Who and what is involved in making it work? This presentation will address these and other questions during a discussion of how data and cross-border investigations empower independent journalism that is committed to reporting the truth and keeping […]
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