Terms of Use for INN Listserv and Peer Communities
These terms are in keeping with INN’s Value Statement, which reads, in part:
“We value and support our colleagues and our network. We believe in a culture of collaboration, camaraderie, information sharing and mutual respect with our colleagues and members. We commit to communicating clearly and thoughtfully, to listening with care, and to always work toward our shared goal of an inclusive workplace and network that promotes great journalism and positive work environments for all people.”
Use of the INN listserv
INN’s listserv, hosted by the University of Missouri, is open to all INN members.
- To post to the listserv, send your message by email to INNED-L@lists.reporter.org.
- When you receive a message from the listserv, the email subject starts with [INNED-L].
- Messages sent to the Listserv can also be found here. (Users must create a login to access the site, then search for INNED-L to access the archive.)
- To reply to individuals, direct your email message to that person’s distinct email address. Messages sent by hitting “Reply” go to the entire listserv.
Join INN’s member listserv
Use of peer community Slack channels
INN has established several peer communities that are using Slack channels to communicate. . As of February 2023, the following Slack channels exist for these peer communities:
- Dos Mundos: newsrooms publishing or producing content in Spanish or bilingually
- Local Focus: newsrooms covering their local community
- News Fundraising Community: development professionals in journalism
- Single-Topic: newsrooms focused on one-topic, i.e. environment, health, education
- Startups: newsrooms in the early stages of development
- Statehouse: newsrooms focused on covering their state government
These terms are not exhaustive or complete. They serve to distill our common understanding of a collaborative, shared environment and common goals.
Join INN’s peer community Slack channels
Guidelines for Use of the INN listserv and peer community channels
- The purpose of these communities is for members to support one another. Kindly remember to be respectful toward fellow members and INN staff.
- Users agree to reserve discussions for topics that help other members improve their journalism, address ethical issues in news or grow revenue and audiences to expand their impact. That might include, but is not limited to: soliciting the advice of peers; learning from their experiences; sharing resources and opportunities, and participating in the ongoing dialogue.
- Discussions are meant to stimulate respectful and productive conversation. Communications involving insults, attacks, derogatory comments or other disparaging behavior may lead INN to suspend or remove an account from the listserv or community.
- If participants wish to disagree or challenge statements by others, they should do so without demeaning or directing hostility at the original poster.
- As in all professional settings, please, avoid inappropriate political, religious, and sexual references.
- Users should not harvest email addresses from the communities for purposes outside the service of INN.
- Commercial messages, including solicitations for money, goods or services for charitable purposes or private gain are not allowed, nor are postings relating to actual or potential unlawful or unethical practices, or are false, misleading or fraudulent.
- The communities should not be used to promote advocacy efforts other than First Amendment or freedom of the press issues.
- Communications originating from the communities are for subscribers and INN members. They should not be shared externally without the prior written permission of the original author.
- Be considerate of your colleagues’ inboxes by using the mailing list for messages relevant to fellow INN members. If a discussion develops into an exchange between two parties, the conversation should move to direct communications between them.
- To unsubscribe from the list, follow the directions at the bottom of the Listserv email message. Administrative messages, such as “remove me from the list,” should not be sent through the Listserv.
- Users may remove themselves from Slack channels. Any questions about the channels can be directed to membership@inn.org.
INN does not screen or pre-review posted content. Complaints about content may be directed to INN at membership@inn.org.
Last update: February 2023