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DEI Index Report 2023

Report on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Nonprofit News Sector

In its most recent annual survey of its network of nonprofit news organizations, INN focused deeply on examining diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Drawing on survey responses from 348 INN members, supplemented by interviews with a subset of members, this report explores whether and how DEI is reflected in the nonprofit news sector’s staffing and leadership, operations, engagement with underserved communities and revenue patterns.

The report aims to serve as a useful resource to the nonprofit news sector, helping to answer key questions that INN’s members, partners, funders and colleagues are asking as they work towards a more diverse, equitable and inclusive sector.

INN’s 2023 DEI Index Report was published on October 24, 2023. Previous Index reports are archived.

Report Credits

  • Lead researcher and writer: Susanna Dilliplane
  • INN’s Index research team: Jesse Holcomb, Michele McLellan, Emily Roseman and Ha Ta, with support from Calvin University research assistants Ben Honeyford, Jocelyn Nunez-Colon, Lauren Nyong and Jessa Morren
  • Data visualization: Ha Ta
  • Editor: Laura Colarusso
  • Report design: Elizabeth Scott

Video of Report Findings

Watch the research team share key findings in this video.

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