Nonprofit News & the INN Network
Who’s Your Source?
Nonprofit newsrooms that belong to the INN Network are your source for accurate, credible reporting driven by facts, not opinions.
Nonprofit news is created for, supported by, and committed to the communities it serves. Through reporters who have deep community ties and topical expertise, nonprofit news elevates untold stories, exposes wrongdoing, and provides the facts we need to make informed decisions. And because most of this content is available without paywalls or subscription fees, nonprofit news makes essential information available to everyone – not just those who can afford it.
Why does it matter for a community to have a trusted source of news? Because research shows that when people follow local news sources closely, they are more likely to vote in local elections, to vote across party lines and to feel attached to their communities. And at the state and local level, nonprofit news organizations focus on the investigative reporting that holds those in power to account.
INN Network at-a-glance
The INN Network is an alliance of news organizations committed to shared values that advance excellence in journalism, trust between the press and the public it serves, and best practices for the nonprofit news field.
What does INN membership mean? INN members:
475+ nonprofit news organizations across North America sharing content with about 20,000 media outlets
Nonprofit newsrooms strive to create diverse, equitable workspaces.
3 in 10 member staff are
people of color
More than half of executives
are women
Over 200% membership growth since 2017
Annual revenue across the INN Network
topped $600 million in 2023
74% of
cover local, regional or state news
13% of
dive deep on a single topic
60% of
provide investigative or deep, explanatory reporting
75% of
participate in editorial collaborations
More than 90% of INN members survive past the startup phase
Among the priority topics covered by nonprofit newsrooms are government and the environment.
View the INN Index Reports for the latest data on the INN Network.
Get involved
Trusted, reliable journalism is essential to the fabric of our societies. It holds the powerful to account. It inspires individuals to engage, volunteer, and vote. It protects our vulnerable democracy.
Join us in creating a robust and equitable future for journalism.
Are you from a foundation or corporation and looking for ways to get more engaged with INN and the field? Let’s talk about:
Chief Development Officer
Lisa Gardner-Springer leads development initiatives benefiting nonprofit newsrooms that are members of INN and make up the fastest growing news network in North America.
or grow a newsroom
more about the field
Elevate the story of nonprofit news with our Who’s your source? presentation — a free, customizable slide deck that describes the nonprofit news movement and shows how the INN Network has become a source for most American news consumers.