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INN’s research reveals strengths, challenges and opportunities for the nonprofit news field.

The Institute for Nonprofit News provides actionable research on nonprofit journalism for our members, partners and the wider field. Our research captures the progress and setbacks across the nonprofit news field and highlights the best practices and success stories that emerge from our members.

The INN Index

Recurring survey of members’ revenue, audiences, staffing, DEI and other indicators

Case Studies

Lessons learned and progress made by individual news organizations

How-To Guides

How-to playbooks for practitioners, including guides for launching a new outlet, converting to a nonprofit, and growing earned revenue

Compensation Study

Average salaries, benefits and more from across the field

Members-Only Resource: Pods

Inform your news organization’s strategic planning through actionable benchmarking data and connections with other INN members.

Interested in accessing data about the nonprofit news field?

Emily Roseman, Research Director & Editor

Emily leads the INN Index, an annual study of INN members and the most comprehensive source of data about the emerging nonprofit news field.

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