In the past, some observers have wondered whether a growing nonprofit news sector could be matched by growing capital support. But, new data from the INN Index 2023, the sixth annual survey of nonprofit news organizations across North America, suggest that as the nonprofit journalism field expands, the resources to sustain this field are expanding, too.
This Index Snapshot offers a broad look at the nonprofit news sector’s trends, opportunities and challenges. A deeper and more complete Index Report focusing on diversity, equity and inclusion will be released in summer 2023.
A note on methods: The INN Index 2023 is based on data collected from 315 nonprofit news outlets in January. Survey responses reflect data from calendar year 2022. The revenue section of the report is based on a smaller sample of 291 outlets since some respondents, including startups and public broadcasting stations, were unable to report comparable data. Direct comparisons between 2021 and 2022 were made by sorting data from the 225 outlets that participated in the survey both years. Jump here for more on Methods & Definitions.
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